

Our ministries are the heart of our church. They represent our faith values, our passion, and the work Edgewood does in the wider community.

The team leadership helps lead the vibrant ministries of Edgewood.  Edgewood’s teams comprise of: Building & Grounds, Finance, Christian Education, Health Ministry, Adult Education, Green Team, Justice & Peace, Racial Justice, Stewardship, Tithing, Worship, Program Board, and Governance Council.

In the rich tapestry of Edgewood United Church’s history, the threads of justice, compassion, and community intricately weave together, creating a compelling
narrative of impact and change. Since its inception in 1953 as an offshoot of The
People’s Church, Edgewood has stood as a beacon of social justice, consistently striving for positive transformation in our community of East Lansing, Michigan, and beyond. Read more about our ministries through our partnership with United Church Fund: Responsible Investing for a More Just Future.

Racial Justice

“And when we talk about race today, with all the pain packed into that conversation, the Holy Spirit remains in the room, This doesn’t mean the conversations aren’t painful, aren’t personal, aren’t charged with emotion. But it does mean we can survive. We can survive honest discussions about slavery, about convict leasing, about stolen land, deportation, discrimination, and exclusion… We can lament and mourn. We can be livid and enraged. We can be honest. We can tell the truth. We…

Environmental Justice/Green Team Initiatives

Edgewood takes seriously our call to care for all of God’s creation. For the last several years we have worked to decrease our carbon footprint, including becoming the first church in mid-Michigan to install solar panels. Our Green Team leads workshops and learning initiatives for how individuals can practice sustainability at home and keeps the issue of environmental justice in front of the congregation throughout the year. We also partner with and support local environmental advocacy groups, including Michigan Interfaith Power…

Justice & Peace

Edgewood has a 60+ year tradition of working for socio-economic justice and peace. We collaborate with other faith communities and human rights groups working on these issues locally and across the state and nation. In 1996 Edgewood became a Just Peace congregation. As a result, when we read the scriptures, make financial decisions, and seek to do God’s work in the world, we do so with an eye toward social justice and peacemaking. Edgewood members and friends involved in the work…


Edgewood’s music program offers opportunities for all ages and abilities to learn and grow and enjoy making a joyful noise together. Edgewood’s program has a strong Western classical base with a lot of variety in the kinds of music that are a part of our worship service. All people are welcome to join in. No experience is necessary. Choirs rehearse from September through May each year. Childcare is available for all rehearsal times, if requested in advance. Throughout the summer our…

Health Ministry

Edgewood’s Health Ministry promotes an environment of physical, mental, spiritual health and healing among Edgewood’s members and friends across the lifecycle. Our ongoing initiatives include: Care Assistance: Provides meals, transportation to medical appointments Visiting Ministry: Lay ministers available to those who cannot attend church services Faith Community Nurse: Consultation on medical concerns and care coordination needs Care Partners: Providing support for care givers Helping Hands: Providing simple household repairs To request services or find out more information about Edgewood’s Health Ministry, please fill out…
Geometric stained glass

Truman Morrison Lecture Series

The annual Truman Morrison Lectures Series honors the legacy of Edgewood’s founding pastor and continues his question for social justice infused with lively theological thought and committed action. Each fall Edgewood invites a nationally renowned speaker for a weekend of living discussion and events. After a hiatus, the Truman Morrison Lectures Series returned with The Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel, Michigan UCC Conference Minister and author of When Spiritual but Not Religious Is Not Enough. March 17, 2024: “A Post-Pandemic Church…

Farmers Market & Fair Trade

Farmers Market Each Sunday during the summer and early fall, Edgewood’s Hunger Task Force hosts a pop-up farmer’s market after worship. Produce is donated by Edgewood members from their home and community gardens. All proceeds from the market go to support the The Greater Lansing Food Bank and these ministry partners: The Avondale Parish Church in Harare, Zimbabwe to assist families who have lost members to AIDS St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Centre in Chezi, Malawi in support of their orphanage Fair Trade…

United in Love

United in Love is Edgewood’s annual workshop to enhance committed relationships of all couples through personal growth, meaningful communication and the strengthening of mutual trust.  The aim is to assist couples of all ages, races, faiths, sexual orientations, gender identities, and economic abilities. United in Love is inclusive – all couples welcome – same sex and opposite sex; married and unmarried. United in Love Participants’ Experiences “We have really enjoyed United in Love.  Not only does the program give you…

Winter Writing Retreat 2023

Identity: Writing the Stories that Form UsFriday February 10th – Sunday February 12th Join Edgewood members and friends for a special writing retreat led by Patrice Gopo, an award-winning essayist and author of books for adults and children! Participants will share creative space, engage writing prompts, and will draw out personal stories that connect with ourselves, with others, and with God. No previous writing experience is needed or expected.This retreat will be in-person, offsite (fully accessible space) in the local…